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Undivided and caring attention

If you are looking for a nursery school in Willerby or the surrounding areas, get in touch with Rising Stars Pre-School & Nursery.
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Babies and toddlers(for children from 3 months to 2.5 years):

At Rising Stars Pre-School & Nursery, we understand that transition to day care can represent an unsettling time for both you and your child. To help your little one settle in, we will ask you to provide us with your baby’s daily routine and we will replicate this closely on a daily basis. Your baby will be allocated a key person with whom you and your baby can develop a close relationship with. Your key person will ensure that care is tailored to your baby's individual needs and will be on hand to discuss your baby's progress or any issues with you whenever you wish. Your key person will also provide you with a daily online diary so you can see what your baby has been doing whilst in our care along with times of significant events such as nappy changes, sleep times and feeding information.

Various activities are provided throughout the day in a secure environment to enhance your baby's development encompassing high contrast colours for visual stimulation and different textures to pique natural curiosity. Our babies are also given regular opportunities to get messy with paints/sand etc and outdoor play.  In line with your baby's routine, we provide a quiet area with soft lighting and lullabies so that your child can sleep, if required.
As your child is becoming more independent and a lot more inquisitive and is looking to learn more about the world we live in.
Our staff will continue to encourage your child to use their natural curiosity to explore the play areas, creating a fun environment with laughter and learning through play.

Activities are designed for the development of skills across the entire curriculum and focus on the prime areas of communication, physical development and emotional well-being. Activities encompass sand and water play, drawing/mark making, story corner, role play, sensory and messy play, painting and sticking, exploring and investigating interesting and safe household objects, construction, small world play and ICT toys.

The day is flexible to meet the individual needs of all children and allow times for both indoor and outdoor play. This is where children are given opportunities for planting seeds, growing vegetables, running and jumping, chalking and using instruments to make music. Our staff will observe and record key moments and share these with you via a secure tapestry account. This is where we will post pictures and videos for you to keep and enjoy.

Quiet areas are provided, complete with cots and comfortable pillows, so that your child has the opportunity to rest or sleep when they need to.

Preschool (for children from 2.5 to 4 years)

Children at this age are actively encouraged to explore the learning environment, make their own choices, develop friendships and respect the environment by helping to tidy. All of this helps to develop their independence and prepare them for school.

Our team provide suitable activities and resources in each of the seven core areas of learning that form the basis of the Early Years Foundation Stage. These include:
  • Communication and language
  • Physical development
  • Personal, social and emotional development
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the world
  • Expressive arts and design
A diverse range of activities

A diverse range of activities

We take part in weekly baking activities so that children not only have the option to try new recipes, they can also help create them as well.

Children are also taken out into the outdoor environment and visit local libraries, parks and shops, so that they have the opportunity to interact with the wider world. Children are regularly given opportunities to use instruments to make music under the tuition of a qualified teacher and musician. We have weekly French lessons provided by Kidslingo.

 Outside we have decked reading corners with giant sails to create ample shade for UV protection during the summer months, and keen horticulturalists can plant in our up-cycled tyres, from cucumbers to hydrangeas. A mud kitchen provides the ideal place to mix mud pies, make perfumes or where ever their imagination takes them.
Full attention to your child's needs

Full attention to your child's needs

Here at Rising Stars, we value and respect interaction with outside agencies and schools. When transition time arrives, we work closely with our feeder schools to make your child’s journey to school a smooth one. 

We visit the schools and the teachers visits us, giving the children the opportunity to meet their teacher in a familiar environment and us the opportunity to pass on valuable information about your child’s individual needs. 

A full assessment will be given to your child’s new school and you will be given the opportunity to be part of this and give your views.
Rising Stars  is a local nursery in Willerby bespoke child care packages. Call us to speak to a member of our team.

Call now on 01482 450 282

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